Cauldron – ‘Burning Fortune’, Earache Records; 2011

Just two years since their debut album ‘Chained to the Nite‘ and already it seems that Canadian outfit Cauldron are making relative progress in their musical direction and vocal approach. Having stuck with their chosen genre of traditional heavy metal, which means less deviation from the late 70’s mould through speeding riffs or epic passages; the band make sure to stay close to this style whilst giving themselves at least some space to improvise.

Despite the lack of speed metal influences which can be heard from Enforcer, Cauldron‘s steps forwards with ‘Burning Fortune‘ come from a more refined focus on their behalf towards the same goal as their peers; to rock out in the old school style. Frontman Jason Decay’s voice feels stronger here than it did on the previous album; whereas the guitars have picked up the pace in regards to both playing and solo output.

As a result, ‘Burning Fortune‘ has the advantage of being a full-length album in the current retro heavy metal circuit which carries out more energy and passion than its predecessor. It also highlights the trio’s promise as a budding, young band more fittingly, to boot. Yet at the same time, there could be just another push here to make the release even more memorable than it already is. Perhaps the answer could lie in means which could up the passion of the group without sacrificing too much of the sound production values that enable them to be heard; or perhaps it could really be that they are still working their way up record by record. If the latter is the case, then bring on number three.


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